15 tips to combat stress at work

Completely eliminating stress can be impossible due to the hectic pace of life we ​​lead today. However, with effort we can reduce it and learn techniques that help us control it. 

If you have trouble keeping stress under control at work, read these 15 tips .

1. Do 5 minutes of mental work

Every morning, before starting your day, close your eyes and think about all the urgent things you have to do: deliveries, appointments, meetings, tasks…. Set a time to do them. As you do this, prioritize tasks based on their importance. 

Write it down if you think you are going to forget it. This will help you get a slight idea of ​​what your day will be like and how many tasks you are supposed to do. 

Mark them with a tick as you finish them so you don't have to keep worrying about how to organize yourself. The key is not to work more but to work more efficiently.

2. Make a to-do list that is realistic

Don't overestimate your ability and list only those tasks that you can handle.

Planning a lot of work in a short time will end up frustrating you and making you feel bad about yourself, plus it will cause you stress and the results will be worse.

3. Put order in your life

Both at home and at work, keeping your workspace clean and organized goes a long way. In the office, for example, finding a document or file without having to look for it in a tower of papers, will not only save you time and effort but it will also avoid scares and make you be in control of the situation.

Avoid clutter in the workplace. Try to use folders or filing cabinets to separate documents, organize them and store them in the spaces provided for it. At home: imagine that you have to leave in a hurry and cannot find the keys. Avoid this by always leaving them in the same place. 

4. Ask for help

Don't hesitate to delegate to others. Apply this both at home and at work. It's okay to ask for help from time to time. Others may even be willing to help you, so instead of overwhelming yourself, be smart and delegate whenever you can .

Exercising stimulates the production of endorphins, which are hormones that enhance our sense of well-being. That is why they are also known as the hormones of happiness. 

Additionally, exercise improves concentration, reduces stress, and improves sleep. And not only that, it will also help you stay in shape and maintain your silhouette. So if exercising is not on your schedule yet, find a space for it to become part of your day to day.

6. Don't delay the tasks you like least

We all have tasks that we hate doing and we put them off as long as possible. However, they are still there, in our mind, which causes stress and irritability. 

We are talking, for example, of a visit to the bank that you have pending, a project that lacks the final touch or any personal matter such as going to the dentist. 

Aim to finish at least one of those to-dos every two days so you can have them all done in a couple of weeks.

7. Limit distractions while you're working 

Distractions can be very diverse: e-mails, the Internet, social networks, friends who call you on the phone or co-workers who do not stop talking. This type of interruption can deconcentrate you and cut your work rate, which will take time to recover. This means that it will take you longer to finish what you were doing. 

At the end of the day you will wonder why you have not been able to finish what you had proposed. 

If one of your colleagues has the habit of talking to you every time they pass by your table, it is better that you talk to him or her and tell them politely that they are interrupting you and, therefore, harming your work. Rest is a good time to talk about it, for example, over coffee or lunch.

8. Maximize productivity at peak times 

The internal clock of our body ensures that at certain times of the day we have more energy and perform much more than at others when we are lazier. Take advantage of peak productivity hours to do everything you can. 

After eating we tend to be more listless and sleepy, so it is better to take advantage of this moment for lighter tasks, such as managing social networks or browsing the Internet. Managing time well will help you to be much more efficient.

9. Be proactive

If you have important commitments scheduled and are able to anticipate in advance what you will need or what you have to organize, you will avoid last minute stress. 

For example, if you have to make a presentation to a senior manager, you will need to reserve the boardroom, you will need a projector, or you will even have to meet the directors who will be attending the presentation.

10. Arrive a couple of minutes early

If you arrive 10 or 15 minutes before work, you can carry out your daily tasks with peace of mind, without having to run or worry about being late. 

If you have a meeting scheduled, go to the office a little earlier. This will give you a break and you will have time to prepare everything.

11. Recharge the batteries during the meal

Take advantage of the lunch break to disconnect from work. A little rest with a partner helps reduce stress, improves mood and recharges neurons. 

In addition, these talks can also be used to comment on news and even get feedback. A short walk after lunch to get some fresh air is also a good idea.

12. Be positive

Stop focusing on your failures and trying to be who you are not. We all have limitations and we have to be aware of it. 

So focus on your positives and accomplishments rather than regretting the negatives. Having a positive mindset improves self-esteem and will motivate you to achieve your goals.

13. Communication is very important

A misunderstanding can cause tension between colleagues. It is good to give our opinion and express ourselves correctly to avoid ambiguities. 

If you are not able to communicate or express yourself clearly, it may happen that: a colleague gets upset with you and you end up not trusting those around you, that people misjudge you or think you are hiding information. Make it clear to your colleagues why you do things in a certain way and explain how it benefits them and / or the company. 

Reducing the stress caused by peer relationships can be a great relief if you are able to create a collaborative environment in the office.

14. Spend some time

Try to make time for yourself every day; do something you love, whether it's taking a walk, reading a book, or watching your favorite TV show. 

This will also help you reduce your stress level by breaking the monotony of day-to-day life and make you feel much better.

15. Relax on the weekends

The weekends are here to fill your life with freshness and recharge your batteries.  

Spend time with family and friends. Go out to see a movie. If your boss has a habit of leaving work for the weekend, learn to say "no". You also need to set limits.

The breathing exercises are very good to relax the nervous system and reduce stress levels. In addition, following a healthy diet and getting good sleep will also help you maintain good health. If you have any other suggestions on how to combat stress, don't hesitate to share them with us.

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