The celebration does not represent a carnival, but the fight for human rights, for equality and the visibility of the people of the LGBTTIQA collective.
The choice of this date is not a coincidence, and Pride Month is accompanied by a permanent demand for respect, inclusion and equity for all people who have preferences other than heterosexual.
The maximum celebration is the Pride March that takes place in June, the exact date is chosen according to the current calendar, when the collectives take to the streets of hundreds of cities around the world to make themselves visible and demand rights in favor of your well-being and safety.
What is the origin of Pride Month?
It was in the 1960s when social movements in the United States had an unprecedented boom; society increasingly awake and aware of their rights took to the streets to demand respect, equity and attention to their demands.
At the time, same-sex sexual acts were considered illegal and homosexuality was listed as a mental illness by the World Health Organization - and remained so until May 17, 1990.
For this reason, members from this community they were used to running away from the police and keeping their sexual orientation secret. Otherwise they could face the rejection of their professional unions, families, religious groups, the persecution of the authorities or be exhibited in the media with the consequent social ruin. Although in some countries and cities this is still a reality, in the late 1970s this was the norm and nobody could do much about it.
However, that night something changed. When the police entered the premises, the lights went on and the music stopped. The nearly 200 customers who were on the premises were asked to hand over their identifications as they went out onto the street.
At first, the atmosphere was festive at the gates, but the agents began to exercise violence against some of them. Witnesses say that a drag queen was attacked after hitting one of the police officers with her bag and that a lesbian struggled with them when trying to forcefully put them on a patrol.