Terrestrial ecosystems: what they are and classification

Terrestrial ecosystems have an important representation on the planet since it is a large part of the environments it contains; where so many animal species live; as plant species and human beings.

Terrestrial ecosystems: what they are and classification
Therefore, many of the species are adapting to the specialty of the habitats. So that they can do all their activities; without limitations and manage to adapt effectively.

What are terrestrial ecosystems?

These ecosystems represent 20% of the environments present on planet Earth and are associated with both the soil; as in the air. In these environments there is a greater probability of living because many more foods and other elements compatible with life are found.

Both different animals and plant species in terrestrial ecosystems are effectively coupling; according to what they require to subsist and if necessary; They are also encouraging your body to have changes and thus be able to fight with adversities that can sometimes arise according to the environment .

In case of not being able to adapt to the changes that need to be made; Species can end up dying and thus be included as endangered species having very few of them.

The important thing that stands out when talking about this type of ecosystem is that they have a certain dependence on humidity; temperature as well as altitude and latitude; respectively. In this way; ecosystems are found richer in terms of humidity and temperature, coupling different types of animal species.

On the other hand; These ecosystems can also be classified according to the biodiversity of the forests; reducing the amount of scrub, grassland and others that have nothing, such as deserts.

Over the years, terrestrial ecosystems have been distinguished into several types, which are:

  • Deserts
  • Forests
  • Prairies
  • Jungles

The good thing about terrestrial ecosystems is that they are not only found in land environments themselves; but they include both the species that subsist in the soil; as well as in the air. In all of these environments , zones are created to live placidly and at the same time develop progressively.

Depending on the abiotic factors referring to each of the terrestrial ecosystems; animals and plants plus human beings who identify themselves fully living there given that their body allows it.


This ecosystem among the classification of terrestrial constitutes one of those that presents little rains, due to the fact that the content of water vapor is really low, in addition to having its main characteristic; drastic temperature changes in its entirety.

Likewise, the nights are extremely cold due to all the scarcity of water that surrounds its ecosystem and the maximum winds that form there; while on the contrary, what is much hotter are the days in their entirety.

Both the plants and animals in this area live constantly adapting to the changes that are generated in the environment; for example, as cacti do with the few plants in the area.

Likewise, animal species are used to withstanding such modifications at extreme temperatures, as is the case with specific reptiles; such as the lizards and insects that normally inhabit these terrestrial environments.


Within the terrestrial ecosystems of the forest type they are characterized by being completely forest and have the highest proportion of terrestrial biosphere mass. You will see its variations in terms of broadleaf or broadleaf forests having within them the group of the jungle and the dry forest; being these tropical and subtropical forests.

These environments with the jungles are the ecosystems that have the highest biological density since they have precipitation and evergreen vegetation. These ecosystems also include boreal forests or taiga; with a greater extension of surface but less biodiversity of species.


These are ecosystems that consist of a great diversity of shrubs or bushes, which are those types of plant species that have small plants such as shrubs.

These can be bush, xerophilous, or moor type environments when it comes to mountain scrub, which are also known as frailejon-type shrubs. They are wide ecosystems full of humidity and with high altitude; normally found geographically in America; Africa and also New Guinea.

They are ecosystems with specific species and characteristics exclusively from that area that differentiate them from other variable terrestrial ecosystems.


Prairies are identified as an important transition zone between forest and desert. In general, they are located in the interior of the continents; as well as in high latitudes. In the same way they present both hot and cold seasons; having times of rain much more frequent than in deserts.

It also has grass areas which is what mostly identifies its type of vegetation; as well as the animal species that are adapting to this type of natural environment; knowing how to subsist; develop and reproduce.

Bed sheets

They belong to the type of terrestrial ecosystem based on tropical grasslands. These have open forests as well as grasslands. The rainfall is usually two to three times less than that of the tropical forest.

Likewise, it has dry and rainy seasons. Its environment is provided with few annual flowering trees but it also has very dense grasses, maintaining the food chain in all the species around it.

Modified ecosystem

This type of ecosystem refers to one that is generated with human intervention and control, respectively. These modified ecosystems can be obtained both in urban environments and in rural areas of exploitation, such as cultivation fields, felling and even mining fields.

As for those artificial ecosystems, they are also recognized as semi-natural, thereby determining the creation of forests, ponds and even the introduction of new species within the environment or the abandonment of cultivated fields that can lead the ecosystem to desertification.

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