Deforestation has gone faster and faster and with it; all its consequences determining the destruction of many natural ecosystems ; specifically of forests and their members such as the different species of flora and fauna; that depend on the type of ecosystem, as well as the human population.
Deforestation: what is it, causes and consequences |
Deforestation is considered a process caused by human activity focused on deforestation and burning; in which the entire forest area of any type of environment is being destroyed , either for reasons of the timber industry as well as for obtaining land for agriculture or for mining or livestock purposes, respectively.
Deforestation is what leads to the forests and jungles of the land being devoid of all kinds of vegetation; which causes a large amount of damage associated with soil quality.
Forests are known to have the capacity to cover around 30% of regions worldwide; what makes them indispensable for all living beings, being a good source of oxygen and life.
What is the worst thing that describes deforestation?
Non-regeneration. Cutting down trees so as not to replace them is a complete damage to the entire habitat, since at the same moment the loss of biodiversity is signed; as well as the probability of desertification in soils with arid characteristics or with desert limits are increasing.
Deforestation on their part; creates a major impact on carbon dioxide fixation; since they are areas that tend to have a greater possibility of soil erosion and more often than not, the surfaces are lands with little or no production.
Deforestation is normally used in the face of neglect as well as the lack of value to the environment, regardless of all the consequences that this may bring; both in the short and long term, as well as due to the little attention paid by environmental laws regarding this management of trees.
There are many reasons that can have an impact on cutting down or burning trees; but in their majority they are indiscriminate and not evaluated around the results that make modify the natural environment.
In general, those who induce environmental deforestation are the timber sector and the agricultural sector; because they do it with the aim of obtaining much more space to undertake their crops or; to have an ideal area to plow cattle. Many clear these forest areas without knowing what consequences it can bring to the environment, just seeing the benefit of more land in favor.
Deforestation Causes
Although it is always thought that all the blame is attributed to the human population, in the case of deforestation not everything goes in this species; for there are also inducing elements of deforestation given in many natural phenomena.
Natural causes
Causes such as floods, hurricanes, as well as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions are associated with this group; since it is mainly fire and intense wind that generate total deforestation in many types of environments.
And although it does not occur as frequently as in the case of man-made causes; they are also important within probability statistics ; when one of these phenomena is generated in different regions.
Artificial causes
This is among the first causes generated by man that leads to the destruction of the soil from deforestation; because the inhabitants of the areas do it to get more space available for different causes, from cultivation and the wood industry to also having areas for the construction of housing estates.
Wood industry
Man also uses the felling of trees to create articles of great utility in daily life, such as for the extraction of paper; furniture and construction materials; reason why they are requiring sufficient quantities for the supply of everything that they request in this type of companies. Logging is feasible not only in matters of construction or stationery, but the wood is also used as fuel; so they go straight to their court.
Consumer items
Man to obtain ingredients or articles of consumption can be forced many times to the deforestation caused, this serves to obtain the palm oil; as well as for cleaning articles, hygiene products and even for the creation of lower cost cosmetics. The constant use of felled trees leads to nothing more than soil erosion and low natural production.
Forest fires
Every year more and more trees are lost in many types of environments and in all countries of the world; this happens by the perpetration of the solar rays that affect deserts or arid zones with abundant vegetation; but that they are capable of burning constantly. This is undoubtedly a dual cause; It can be done naturally or with the collaboration of man and ends up channeling imminent and negative deforestation for all natural environments.
For this reason, sustainable development that maintains the economic progress of the peoples, while guaranteeing active protection of the environment, must be promoted more and more clearly by the different governments.
Deforestation Consequences
Loss of species biodiversity
The species due to the mistreatment of the environment and all the damages caused by deforestation; they are assuming another life environment such as the unknown or not adaptable; therefore extinction appears in many of the species; given that they do not manage to dock with the desert component or devoid of vegetation that implies this new change in the environment completely.
Desert soils
Another of the important consequences that deforestation describes is the result of leaving desert or arid soils once the large amounts of trees that surround and inhabit different areas are eliminated.
It is known that trees and vegetation cover the soil, without it, the quality of the soil is completely eliminated, leaving it bare; without protection and with characteristics completely similar to those of the desert, thanks to the extreme conditions generated by heat; the wind and rainwater constantly.
With the natural process of deforestation, the results can be based on the spontaneous creation of ineffective basins; that is, they do not have the capacity to regulate the water flows of rivers and streams, since it is the trees that maintain this control; as well as the absorption of large amounts of water for soil care.
Variations in climate
The climate change is often associated with deforestation, because with this the trees no longer have the ability to block the rays of the sun are extreme temperatures impinging on the ground, who induce variability between meteorological conditions in the environment; leaving damage not only on the surface but also to the different species of plants and animals.
Trees, while essential to offset greenhouse gases with sufficient oxygen; largely avoiding the damage of global warming ; which means that without them, much more repercussions are generated in the environment; influencing the deterioration of the planet.