With the passing of time; the contamination of water has increased by prevail endless negative conditions for all living beings; It is one of the most susceptible natural elements and that with the increase in population has had a more critical progression.
Water pollution: What it is, causes, consequences and solutions |
This type of contamination can be defined in many ways, one of them and the most common is that it refers to the accumulation of one or more substances other than water that have been collected to such an extent that they generate a large number of consequences; These include the imbalance in the life of living beings such as animals, plants and even people susceptible to various diseases.
Water pollution as the name implies is highlighted in all types of water on the planet, from oceans to lakes; rivers, among other types of fresh and salt water found in different regions.
For its part, it is necessary to remember that water is one of the indispensable elements for life within Planet Earth; since it constitutes 75% of the entire surface in addition to being used for an immense amount of purposes.
Why is it important to take care of water?
Water is used for humans, in principle for drinking; for food and hygiene , while it is also essential to keep all species of plants and animals alive; since it is your vital source during each passing day.
The planet within its seas and oceans, 97% of its waters belong to salt water, while the percentage that is left over is freshwater given in the rivers ; streams, lakes and lagoons. Precisely that 3% is the only one left for the survival of all the inhabitants of the world; that is the consumable.
It is then that it is summarized that water pollution is any chemical or physical or biological modification that alters the quality of water in all its contexts and therefore describes a great harmful effect on those who consume it; like humans, plants and all wildlife species.
Therefore, there are countless consequences given by the use of contaminated water for consumption; including disappearing many types of animal species; due to the natural change of the healthy ecosystem.
The contaminating residues; in the same way they are creating a kind of nutrition for components that are born from this same cycle, for example invasive algae; making it much more complex to evade them and prepare a healthy environment healing all the waters.
The algae that appear after the water pollution monopolize both the oxygen and the space that surrounds them, which implies that those who approach them; they will hardly have either the quality of life or the life to face them.
Causes of the contamination of the water
Human activities
In general, this type of pollution is mostly generated by the different activities of the human being; since they are sources they add polluting elements to the water reserves. However, there are two kinds of pollution that reflects man:
Point sources
These sources are those that discharge pollutants of different severity in the different locations of any country; These normally cover pipes or sewers in surface water.
Among the examples cited in these sources are the factories; sewage treatment plants or sewage; Oil wells and oil ships.
Diffuse sources
Unlike the previous ones; These polluting sources are those that certainly cannot be specified with any determination and accuracy.
The examples that fit within this type of sources are traffic; the pollutants displaced through rivers; pollutants that enter through groundwater and are known to be diffuse since their origin cannot be controlled by being fully decentralized.
Sewage water
Another common cause of water pollution is solid and organic waste and waste such as feces, urine; as well as laundry waste , requiring good treatment for sewage and establishing it as a priority for life.
Wastewater disposal is a context that many organizations have begun to undertake. However, this is complicated in developed countries because many inhabitants do not have access to all the sanitary conditions required for life.
These types of waters are nothing more than causes of many problems , one of them the extent of water pollution since they are the areas where everyone usually deposits any pollutant; Chemicals and also pharmaceutical substances that completely damage the hygienic structure of water causing other problems.
Industrial waste
Industries represent an important source of pollution for water, given that it causes really harmful results and many of them permanent in the environment.
On the other hand, many industrial companies with fresh water pour each waste of the plant into natural sites such as rivers and oceans; which causes accumulation of all its chemical waste used.
Often industrial wastes are based on Asbestos, lead; mercury, nitrates; sulfur and oils; components that damage the composition of water immediately and at the same time; the marine species that are under these surfaces.
Impact of air pollution
The accumulation of gases mixed in the atmosphere with carbon dioxide; Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are what causes the formation of a weak acid .
Likewise, it is described that air pollution given by water vapor absorbs all industrial gases even more; creating acid rains and thus generating a completely contaminated water cycle that has a long-term impact on the health of all waters; including the fresh waters that today serve us for the life of all species of living beings.
Consequences of water pollution
Animal carcasses in the water
With extensive pollution of waters of all kinds, seas; oceans and rivers; both marine animals and birds that feed on that water are left dead floating on the surface.
However, the consequences become more noticeable with respect to marine animals, since they are fish; crabs and dolphins, which are often found dead on water, since water pollution is so intense that it ends up damaging completely; The ecosystem of your personal habitat.
Food chain disruption
By changing the conditions and the general state of the water in the seas and in all its sources, the effectiveness of the natural food chain is progressively altered, as there are various pollutants such as lead and cadmium, substances that small animals consume inside the surface.
The problem lies, when large animals, they eat small ones that are already dead by the taking of these harmful substances , which causes the same effect on them and then on humans, when they catch them, respectively. The food chain is diminishing significantly, becoming more noticeable over the years.
Destruction of ecosystem types
As a result of intense water pollution ; Most of the ecosystems on the planet are affected as they change both the vegetation and its climate and everything that makes the species found within this environment survive.
Therefore, when modified; the life of animals and the different types of vegetation is deteriorating more and more; because at the same time they must change the habits to which they were accustomed to be able to survive within that natural environment.
Due to water pollution, many ecosystems can be modified or destroyed; since animals die or modify their habits to survive. This pollution is caused by the carelessness of humans by disposing of contaminated waste in the waters.
Acid rain
The contamination of waters with various chemicals does not lead to more than the alteration of the ph of the waters; in addition to generating other alterations which leads to water vapors created from these waters condense in the clouds; causing the discharge of acid rain.
With this type of water; not only is any land surface affected; but it is deteriorating the flora and fauna; becoming an affectation cycle that lies in acidification without being easily cured and available for use by all exposed living beings.
Solutions for water pollution
Industrial claim
As is well known, the industry has had the largest share of guilt in relation to water pollution; as well as other types of contamination . Thus; It is time for the claim of this part of human activities to make an effort to recover the planet.
Therefore, laws have now been passed that force industries to start cleaning up the waste they leave in the environment; including water and land surfaces; in order to reduce the pollutants that progressively become part of the life cycle of water.
After selecting electric cars, the inhabitants will automatically begin to reduce the proportion of water pollution; there are no gases that affect the atmosphere, there are no clouds with acidified water vapor and with it; There are no acid rains, which are one of the main ways to contaminate the vital fluid.
By not having motor oils, antifreeze or chemical products for cars that are pollutants for water, the water pollution that has sustained them for long years will be greatly diminished.
Also, you must maintain the vehicle so that the waste is not thrown into the environment or discarded to the inflow of water, since no doubt they leave an impact that greatly damages the vitality of the environment.
Agricultural proposals
In part, agricultural activities have also left many consequences in the mistreatment of water health, so some solutions have been proposed for the world's agricultural system.
These solutions reduce the amount of pollution in different types of water; like oceans, rivers or streams. The proposals focus on abandoning the large amount for a sufficient amount of fertilizers, pesticides, among others. Each of these chemicals, when used constantly, is added to the water cycle, which ensures that health is affected and with it, gives rise to all its consequences.
Waste care
By properly disposing of the waste of products or objects that are used day by day; it is much easier to make the water devoid of contamination.
Likewise, proper management of waste that has been discarded will greatly help control the entry of external agents into the water cycle; They are those that in principle are affecting the entire water surface in any of its forms.
Everything lies in avoiding storing waste in the water channel, as well as controlling the runoff where the waste of the day usually arrives; This will prevent contamination greatly.
Water filter
There are several solutions that exist to prevent water contamination. A large part of them are based on filtering water; so that it continues its course without obstacles or without external agents that are integrated into its composition and become contaminated throughout the space over time.
It carries out each of these proposals of care for the environment and prevents pollution from moving forward until the end of the life of the planet and all its living beings.