What is the currency of Portugal? The euro coins were introduced in 2002. The euro coins in circulation are in denominations of € 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00 and 2.00.
Portugal is the 49th largest economy according to the International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook 2017. It has the highest immigration rate as a proportion of the population in the EU.
It is estimated that 20% of its population resides outside the country. For a long time, the country topped the list of countries with the highest unemployment rate in the EU.
The population of Portugal has an estimated population of 10.3 million as of July 2017. The GPD stood at $ 206 Billion, while the per capita income is approximately $ 28,500. Portugal submitted a formal request to join the EU in March 1977 before its request was approved by member states and officially joined the union in January 1986 together with Spain.
He officially started using the euro in January 1999. Before adopting the euro.
Portuguese shield
The Portuguese shield was the official currency of Portugal until it passed out on March 28th, 2002 after the euro was adopted on January 1, 1999. The shield was divided into 100 cents (cents) During the adoption of the euro, the type of exchange of the shield was 200.48 to € 1.
Although the currency is no longer used as a means of exchange in Portugal, the shield shield ticket is still eligible for exchange with the euro until February 28, 2022. The exchange of shield coins ceased on December 31, 2002.
Portugal and the Euro
The euro is the official currency of the European Monetary Union. It was initially adopted by EU members 11 on January 1, 1999, before Greece adopted it two years later.
The 12 states officially began to circulate the euro on January 1, 2002, as legal tender. In January 2007, Slovakia became the 13th state to adopt the euro. Portugal was one of the first 11 member states that adopted the euro.
Portuguese Euro Coins
The euro coins were introduced in 2002. The euro coins in circulation are in denominations of € 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00 and 2.00. All euro coins have a common reverse that represents the map of Europe, while each country has the right to design the image to be portrayed on the observation side.
Portuguese euro coins represent different observation designs for the three series of coins. They represent seven castles and five shields, the same image portrayed in the Portuguese arms court. In 2006, € 1,000,000 2.00 coins were released for circulation, but since then no 2.00 coins have been released.
Euro banknotes
The first euro banknotes were released for circulation in 2002, and are produced by the European Central Bank. They took control of the local currency and became the official Eurozone ticket.
The design of the euro banknote is identical throughout the euro zone, although they are printed in the respective countries. They are made of pure cotton fiber so that they have a lasting and distinctive feel.
Euro banknotes are € 5, € 10, € 20, € 50, € 100, € 200, € 500. All euro bills bear the European Union flag, the map of Europe, the name "euro" in Latin and Greek, and the signature of the president of the European Central Bank.